New Zealand
- Both Air NZ and Menzies are currently operating as normal.
- BMSB – Reminder for the industry to monitor their Fumigation Date and Vessel Departure date. There have been some errors in Vessel Departure dates, this causes containers to be at risk of being left on board. Also check your fumigator is on the current approved list.
– Pre-border Biosecurity Treatment Providers – DAFF
- Government has announced director appointments for Ferry Holdings, the company in charge of negotiating ferry contracts for the new Inter-island ferries. This is a good step forward to giving some certainty of service for the freighting industry.
- Port of Nelson have implemented DG fees. These will be charged direct to the Importer / Exporter.
- Due to scheduled berth maintenance at Fremantle Container Terminals, please be aware of the following berth shutdowns:
- DP World Terminal: Berth 4 Shutdown / Berth 5 Shutdown: 10th March 2025
- Patrick Terminal: Berth 9 Shutdown: 7th April 2025
- Severe flooding in North Queensland has impacted roads and infrastructure, with flood damage to parts of the Bruce Highway and collapse of a bridge. Deliveries to this area may be impacted.
- Supply of 20’ containers will be in short supply with forecasts of the grain season being the fifth highest on record nationwide and the third highest for WA. Please speak with your Customer Services Representative about options.
- Imports – Consols are moving as booked, with capacity available on most carriers.
- Exports – Consols are moving as booked, with capacity available on most carriers.
- The Southbound market from North Asia still seems to be quiet off the back of the Lunar New Year holiday and with most of the planned blanking for that period now behind us, space should be relatively easy to come by at this time as we settle into the usual slack/low season.
- Congestion in South-East Asia remains a challenge, with the likes of ANL now only forecasting to clear the last of their backlog by mid-March.
- Port congestion in Colombo is significant and causing delays of 2+ weeks. Other transshipment ports are operating with minimal delays.
- Some Carriers are experiencing transshipment delays in Singapore of 3+ weeks.
- Space remains tight on most services to and via Asian ports. We recommend booking at least 6 weeks in advance in order to secure. Some Carriers are fully booked on their export trades into April.
- Imports – Consols are moving as booked, with capacity available on most carriers.
- Exports – Consols are moving as booked, with capacity available on most carriers.
- There are 20ft equipment shortages ex Adelaide.
- Maersk have a shortage of 20ft equipment ex Sydney.
- The USA blank sailings will become a problem for shipments ex Adelaide. If necessary, containers may need to rail to Melbourne.
- Most New Zealand export services are experiencing increased demand, extending booking lead times. Vessels are heavily booked, especially from Auckland.
- Imports – Consols are moving as booked with capacity available on most carriers.
- Exports – Consols are moving as booked with capacity available on most carriers.
- BMSB season started on September 1st with the same policies and procedures as last year.
- Strike action has been confirmed in Le Havre and potentially Rotterdam as well.
- Red Sea is still at risk of attacks by Houthi rebels. Maersk and CMA have not announced any return to the Suez Canal. Services continue to sail around the Cape of Good Hope.
- Vessels are off window arriving into Europe from the Cape of Good Hope. On time arrivals are as low as 21%. This is causing the weekly schedules to be disrupted.
- Maersk’s main service from UK has moved from Felixstowe port to London Gateway. This should see an improvement to service regularity as Felixstowe has been very congested for the last 6 months.
- 20’ reefers are in low supply across Europe.
- Vessels are heavily booked for NZ export services. Bookings need to be made 5-6 weeks in advance.
North America
- Imports – Consols are moving as booked, with capacity available on most carriers.
- We anticipate that some U.S. carriers will begin reducing services between late March and early April 2025.
- Exports – Consols are moving as booked, with capacity available on most carriers.
- We anticipate that some U.S. carriers will begin reducing services between late March and early April 2025.
- Vancouver vessel berthing delays have reduced to 3-5 days. Import rail dwell average has increased from 5.5 to 7.1 days and delays are expected to remain as the terminal continues to recover from the recent industrial action. Rail car supply has improved. Severe winter conditions are impacting rail services.
- Panama Canal services for ANP/OC1 service – Continuing low lake levels in the Panama Canal are adversely affecting vessel deadweight capacity. Space is restricted and vessels are booked 6+ weeks in advance of departure. Congestion at all transshipment points is causing delays.
- West Coast North America – The service is heavily booked with Vancouver departures full until mid-April.
- Due to the blank sailings coinciding with the fortnightly Seattle calls, this results in an extended period (up to 1 month) where there is no direct service from NZ to Seattle.
Customers should be encouraged to provide advance forecasts to Seattle (and on-forwarding inland destinations via Seattle) so we can plan & pre-book accordingly. We can also offer inland transit options via Oakland to reach PNW destinations if needed.
For the US East Coast direct service options, carriers are predicting an early start to the peak produce season, with vessels on both services filling up fast. We have weekly allocations to the US East Coast on multiple options, but would recommend customers plan in advance so we can secure space during this busy period.
- After the Seattle Express 509N ETD Tauranga March 20th, the next departure from Tauranga is the ANL Warrnambool v 513N, ETD 17 April. There is no vessel in week 14.
- Congestion at Canada’s West Coast gateway of Vancouver is set to worsen in the coming weeks due to combination of restricted access to inland rail links due to weather and deteriorating liner schedule reliability as the alliance reshuffle continues.
- US Terminal Operations:
New York – berthing delays of up to 2.5 days.
Charleston – berthing delays of up to 2.5 days.
Savannah – average wait time for a berth is 4 days.
Houston – waiting time up to 2 days for a berth.
Oakland – berthing delays, port congestion is seeing an average of 4 days for uplifting containers from port.
Seattle – No berthing delays. Terminal 18 is now open 5 days per week having previously closed on Fridays. Rail import dwell time is 1-3 days.
Long Beach – Congestion on port is seeing delays of 4-8 days.