New Zealand
- Import cargo terminals are operating as normal.
- Export terminals are operating as normal.
- KiwiRail have released details of planned Auckland rail line closures to complete essential upgrade work for the Central Rail Loop, the first being from 27th December 2024 to 27th January 2025. It will mean the rail service between Port of Tauranga and Metroport will terminate in Hamilton with containers bound for destination Metroport being carried from Hamilton by ‘road bridge’ from the Hamilton rail siding to Metroport. KiwiRail have advised they are confident effective solutions are in place with supporting partners to carry out road bridging for the month. If there are any particularly urgent containers arriving
for destination Metroport during the closure, please contact your usual Oceanbridge support person in advance. - NZ Transport Agency have advised SH1 between Turangi & Waiouru (The Desert road) will shut for large scale maintenance on 06 January 2025 for 2 months. A diversion is in place but there will be challenges for southbound and north bound trucking during the SH1 shutdown.
- Local trucking FAF remains steady at 18% for December.
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) season started again on 1st September and runs to 30th April 2025. This means MPI has extra requirements for imported cargo from countries that have BMSB populations. Broadly, the procedures and requirements are the same as last season. This means for our LCL containers from Japan, USA, Canada, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Spain, we can only take cargo that is either low risk (eg food) or high risk goods (eg auto parts) that are accompanied by a declaration that the cargo was manufactured indoors and stored indoors prior to export. FCL loads from any of these countries also need to comply:
– Target list countries:
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United States of America
Please speak to your Oceanbridge customer service representative about treatment types and requirements.
- Currently, 20’ containers are in short supply across multiple carriers for exports from Australia. Please speak with your Customer Services Representative for options.
- BMSB Season in Australia started 1st September 2024 and runs until 30th April 2025 (inclusive). Measures closely replicate those of last year, with the addition of China and United Kingdom being identified as emerging risk countries (subject to random inspection). Treatment will be required for all cargo from or transshipping via Target Risk Countries. Please speak to your local Oceanbridge representative about treatment types and requirements.
– Target list countries:
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, China (heightened vessel surveillance only), Croatia, Czechia, France, Japan (heightened vessel surveillance only), Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea (heightened vessel surveillance only), Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United States of America, Uzbekistan
- Imports – Capacity issues persist from many origins due to ocean delays and the conversion of shipments to air transport, particularly from Guangzhou and Hong Kong.
– Rates are fluctuating due to high demand and limited capacity.
– Singapore Airlines are experiencing backlogs and capacity constraints within the Asia region, resulting in potential delays. - Exports – Consolidated shipments are moving as planned, with capacity available on most carriers.
- The typhoon season has continued into November (usually finishes in August-September) and is causing a lot of disruption to schedules and now carriers are omitting port calls to make up for lost time. This season has seen more typhoons hitting North Asia than other years and a larger number of category 4 or higher, with impacts that continue to ripple through the schedule.
- We are receiving differing messages from shipping lines as we enter the period where departures from Asia are arriving during the holiday period. Some have decreased their Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) and General rates. However, others have opted to increase their PSS. The direction rates might head will become more evident as lines open up bookings for sailings arriving after the holiday period and will depend on demand in the lead up to the Lunar New Year celebrations.
- Empty container availability seems to have improved across most of Asia with very few issues cropping up.
- Port congestion remains an issue in the major transshipment ports and second leg transits are being affected by this.
- Space remains tight on some NZ export services to Asia. We recommend booking at least 4 weeks in advance in order to secure. Please check with your customer service representative for options.
- Imports – Space is at a premium as we head into the festive season. Express rates are available for urgent shipments.
- Some delays are possible on our consolidation services due to high demand at this time of year.
- Due to ongoing challenges with Aircraft Engines, Air New Zealand will be down-grading aircrafts on the NAN & SYD Sectors, along with ad hoc changes to other airports serviced.
- Exports – Consolidations are moving as planned, with capacity available on most carriers.
- Due to ongoing challenges with Aircraft Engines, Air New Zealand will be down-grading aircrafts on the NAN & SYD Sectors, along with ad hoc changes to other airports serviced.
- Oceanbridge are happy to announce our new direct LCL/FAK service between Melbourne and Tauranga – your central North Island bound cargo no longer needs to be unpacked in Auckland, saving both time and cost. Please just let us know if you would like to make a booking by emailing:
- Cosco and OOCL have added a third vessel to their ANE service. The “Pride C” joined the service November 21st, enabling a weekly direct schedule between Melbourne, Bell Bay, Sydney, Auckland, and Tauranga.
- Impending increases around the Landside and Ancillary charges at Australian ports in January 2025.
- Last week Patrick, DP World, and Vict. complied with this requirement giving 60 days’ notice for their increased charges commencing 1 January 2025. Furthermore, Patrick and DP World who operate stevedore operations nationally, also announced their increases in Brisbane, Port Botany and Fremantle.
- Most export services are experiencing increased demand extending booking lead times. Vessels are heavily booked, especially from Auckland.
- There are 20ft equipment shortages ex Adelaide.
- The USA blank sailings will become a problem for shipments ex Adelaide. If necessary, containers may need to rail to Melbourne.
- Imports – The UK consol is coming via Japan due to US TSA restrictions and airfreight rates have been increased from most of EU origins.
- We are currently experiencing delays in transit from Frankfurt, London, and Milan, with the potential for these to increase throughout November and December.
- Exports – Consolidations are moving as planned, with available capacity on most carriers.
- BMSB season started on September 1st with the same policies and procedures as last year. Also refer to the ‘New Zealand’ and ‘Australia’ sections of our View from the Bridge for in depth detail on requirements, restrictions, and target countries.
- Peak export season from Europe after summer holidays has filled up some sailings. Currently, 3-4 weeks’ notice for bookings is best to be safe.
- On-going attacks on commercial vessels in the Red Sea have made all container carriers to NZ avoid the Suez Canal until further notice. There will be delays of approximately 2-3 weeks and extra costs as shipping lines reroute via Cape of Good Hope.
- Vessels are off window arriving into Europe from the Cape. On time arrivals are as low as 21%. This is causing the weekly schedules to be disrupted. This is particularly bad from the UK, where containers are regularly being left behind at the terminal.
- Maersk have suspended the popular Antwerp 45-day routing via Panama. This is now routed via Asia at 64 days transit until further notice.
- Container shortages are happening particularly at depots that are further inland, e.g., Czech Republic, Austria.
- There are equipment shortages in Turkey.
- 20’ reefers are in low supply across Europe.
- Congestion in Singapore is causing delays in transit of 1-2 weeks.
North America
- Imports – We are starting to see some delays in transit and offloads due to capacity. Despite reduced capacity, delays are generally within 24-48 hours.
- Most consol shipments are progressing as expected. For LAX, please anticipate adding one additional day to the estimated time of arrival.
- Due to ongoing challenges with Aircraft Engines, Air New Zealand will be withdrawing 1-2 flights per week from both LAX & SFO.
- Exports – Consols are moving as booked with capacity available on most carriers.
- Air Canada returned on the 1st of December.
- Due to ongoing challenges with Aircraft Engines, Air New Zealand will be withdrawing 1-2 flights per week to both LAX & SFO.
- Vancouver Port Strikes – The labour dispute affecting Canada’s West Coast ports has been resolved, with workers returning to their duties on Thursday, November 14, 2024. However, terminals require additional time to fully resume operations. Consequently, regular terminal and vessel activities recommenced on Friday, November 15, 2024. Please expect delays due to congestion.
- US East Coast & Gulf International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) Negotiations – The ILA and the USMX will resume Master Contract discussions in November 2024, to discuss all outstanding issues to reach a new agreement. The two sides extended the Master Contract until January 15, 2025, and reached a tentative agreement on wages that is contingent on bargaining all open issues. The two sides will not discuss details of negotiations with the media prior to these meetings.
- Panama Canal services for ANP/OC1 service – Continuing low lake levels in the Panama canal are adversely affecting vessel deadweight capacity. Space is restricted and vessels are booked 4+ weeks in advance of departure.
- West Coast North America – There are only 3 WSN departures every month until the end of January 2025. All vessels are heavily booked.
- US & Canada Port Congestion – Norfolk and Charleston have berthing waiting time of 3 days. Savannah has 5 days. Other ports are operating without delay. Seattle Terminal 18 will be closed every Friday in November.
- Ongoing container rollings and blank sailings ex the USA are due to multiple factors:
- Maersk removing one of their vessels, from 10 down to 9.
- ANL have drydocked a vessel and have not put in a replacement, so this brings it down to currently 8 vessels. We should be back to 9 vessels sometime in December, and on our way to schedule integrity, when the ANL vessel rejoins the service Northbound.
- Maersk mass rollings from the Seattle Express is due to issues between the carrier and the terminal. As below
received from Maersk:
There was an EDI transmission issue causing Maersk to not receive VGM details from the port. As a result, 50+
containers rolled from the Seattle Express 443S to the Mate 445S.